Canal du Centre

Canal du Centre

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Chateaus on the Loire

Everybody’s heard of the chateaus on the Loire and while we hope to see more of them, the day after our drive to Le Puy we decided to take a half day and drive down the river to see one of the more famous ones, Chateau de la Roche.

Although not quite as dramatic as when it was first built (the river was dammed in the 1980’s so the gorge it was in became a lake) the setting is still pretty spectacular.

A bus tour arrived just after we did so we didn’t get the tour but the setting was enough.

And this old chateau above the river had quite a view back in the day.

Back at Roanne after lunch we used the car to restock the wine locker and lay in supplies. Tomorrow it would be time to head back north for the Canal Lateral a la Loire and continue onward.

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